Saturday, October 18, 2008

Starting out

So here I sit in front of my computer wondering how I should start my first post. If you've already read my profile, you may come away thinking I am just "all over the place" in my head and interests.
I jokingly told some of my friends that I was going to start a blog just so I could stop bugging them with all of the latest info I was ingesting on a daily basis. I could just post it, then it was up to them to become "enlightened".

You see, I used to work outside the home as a hairstylist. Now, I'm at home full time with our 3 year old son. That change in scenery has given me more access to my computer and my ADD nature!
So, in addition to taking care of our son, I spend much of my time researching everything from nutrition to social justice. To questions of faith and anything else that grabs my attention at the moment.
I call my blog Holistic Journey because I don't believe any of us has arrived. We are all flawed and broken in some way, but hopefully we are all growing and learning everyday how to be better people.